Monday 28 May 2018

LO4: Gaining audience feedback


We have created a survey monkey to gain feedback for our promo 'The City Of Shelter'.

We presented our promo on the screen so people were able to watch while fill out the survey.

Using survey monkey to create our survey then aloud us to view the feedback given.

From our feedback given from our promo, the improvements needed for our promo are improvement such as ;


Although We received positive response about our title graphics. However there was a typo , which will need to be changed/ improved. Also, including more title graphics features in our promo was another improvement suggested. As our promo features many statistic from voice overs, more title graphics will be much more appropriate. 

Another feedback given was that Sheffield was not as clearly portrayed as we intended it to be. This is important as our documentary is specifiacally or portrayal and based Sheffield.

Overall, a common strength was to include and feature much more homelessness, which will fit the theme of homeless a bit more. Also, this will give our audience a much more clear and detailed presentation of what the full documentary intends to present.


From our feedback we gained feedback on strengths such as;

Our audience would watch our documentary form our promo. This was our intention of creating a promo in order for people to want to watch the full promo.
Also, another strength was that ur audience agreed that promo was appealing when it came to title, graphics, visuals, voice over etc. 

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