Wednesday 30 May 2018

LO4: Evaluation

Our promo fits the genre of a 'documentary' as it presents the this is due to it being based on real occurring events, while also including the features of interviews , pictures/film etc to present and provide a factual report on homelessness. The real life presentation of homelessness in our film and the portrayal of the growing issue in Sheffield partly presented in our promo shows how this is a documentary type product.

The editing and sound further emphasises the genre and purpose of the promo. The solum and enigmatic choice of slow paced music represents the monotony of the life of the homelessness and the slow paced editing also supports this. Within the piece crossfades are used to support this, the fade out could be seen to represent the fading of hope. The visuals are also edited to the audio to make for a professional looking and feeling promo. The whole piece was edited down to the 1 minute 46 seconds to keep it engaging throughout. Other techniques such as creative cuts and title graphics are used to also keep the viewer engaged. Below are examples of this...[Charlotte]

Below is an example of a title graphic, this was used as part of the trailer to support the narration. The text was animated to be introduced in line with the audio, a grudge background and film overlay were also added to give the distressed look to fit with theme. Evidence of this can be seen below...

As previously mentioned I had to cut the audio to the beat. We wanted to shorten the length go the music, To create the dramatic effect that correlates throughout the entire trailer. Alongside this, I had to crossfade and sync the audio. The original audio was 4 minutes long, as a convention of trailers is to be be short and attention grabbing, it was essential that we made the audio shorter to follow these conventions [Hannah]

From our feedback form our intended target audience it is clear the promo successfully intrigues the audience as a large amount intend to watch the full documentary as it interesting to them from just the promo.

The overall feel of our promo is very moving and emotional as the rough and tough life of homeless people are presented throughout the promo presenting the growth of homelessness, the conditions and political view of the issue. Including these elements in our promo has allowed the audience to feel some sort of guilt especially due to our target audience being people from the ABC1 category, which are financially much more privilege than the homeless who barely possess anything . The intense dramatic music also contributes to the overall mood created in the promo same with the beginning political dialogue/voice over which also contributed tin he intensity of the promo.[Oliver]

 As our promo based on homelessness, our promo is appeals to the audience because of its high pace editing. As this is convention of documentary trailers. We followed this convention to attract the target audiences. The purpose of a documentary is to inform and entertain the audience, from our promo we did this through the content featured in the promo. In our promo we use statistics from politicians such as Jeremy Corbin. This allies to the audience because it features content from a. political that is in the media who is an advocate for solving the homeless issues within the U.K. As the target audience who watch this will support a range of political parties, this gains the audiences attention as they want to see the appeal of the film. 

From planning we established that we were going to use techniques such as an establishing shot. This is a convention of documentary promotional videos because it sets the location for the promo.Based on LO1 we were able to meet the requirements of our promo because from our storyboards, we were able to film and match our story boards to our final promo. 

From our feedback the target audience liked the way our promo was "had cohesive editing techniques, camera angles and shot type. However the audience wanted to add in more footage of homelessness in the beginning to establish that the film is about homelessness. From this feedback we decided to add, in more footage in our promo. This was important to the final production because it connotes to the audience the topic of the film. Based on feedback, our target audience said that the audio did not match the visuals, this is why we created title graphics that match the text to the audio. This adds visual interest as the audience have to interact with the promo. This is also a technique to split up the visuals we wanted it to flow like a real documentary promotional video. 63% of our audience found the video appealing and 36% extremely appealing. Our to our targetaudeince enjoing the production by making these small changes we were able to create a promo that appear to an audience of 18+. Another problem our target audience had with our promo is that some of the footage used did not have the aesthetic appeal we wanted  From this feedback we used the warp stabiliser on some of the handheld shots. The effect this had on our final promo is that it made the footage more balanced and this added to the visuals because it made the videos look balanced. [Charlotte]

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LO4: Drafts

First draft This is the first draft which proved the concept well and needed little adjustments as it was noted the flow was nice and ...