Monday 4 June 2018

LO4: Drafts

First draft

This is the first draft which proved the concept well and needed little adjustments as it was noted the flow was nice and was a poignant and enigmatic representation of the promo. However, it was also noted that the some of the segments were too long and could be perceived to start boring the viewer. From reviewing the draft it can also be seen that the colours and grading of the piece could be improved to make for a more aesthetically pleasing visuals.

To keep the viewer engaged and add another technical element which also appeals to the conventions of the genre of documentaries a title graphic was added to support the audio. This also split up the large segments of video. The title graphic can be seen below.

Within this draft the colours were also graded and adjusted to make a consistent theme of colours through and to ensure all the shots were correctly exposed.
Second Draft

added title graphic, colour grade

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LO4: Drafts

First draft This is the first draft which proved the concept well and needed little adjustments as it was noted the flow was nice and ...