Saturday 26 May 2018

LO4: Audio

Adio Edit 1
On track 5 and 6, I had to cut the audio to the beat. We wanted tot shorten the length go the music, To create the dramatic effect that corrolates  throughout the entire trailer. Alongside this, I had to crossfade and sync the audio. The original audio was 4 minutes long, as a convention of trailers is to be be short and attention grabbing, it was essential that we made the audio shorter to follow these conventions
Audio Edit 2
As part of the trailer it will incorporate sound clips from parliamentary talks, to make this sound more dramatic I needed to add reverb in order to create an echo, this echo then also had to fade out in order to create a smooth transition between clips.

 This was then repeated for the other audio clips to create a range of useable segments.

Adding sound effects to reinforce the video - A pigeon sound effect was added to add more depth to the video, this audio clip was cut and trimmed whilst also increasing the pitch. See below...
The audio from interviews was adjusted and balanced using adobe premieres presets, see below...

Edit 3
In the screenshot below you can see that to create the final audio for the trailer , I added a delay on the audio. This is to create a dramatic effect. To add, it fits the music better.

Throughout this the a variety of tools were used in order to create and edit sound which ultimately fitted the conventions of the promo. The reverb and echo effects used within Adobe Audition and Premiere were added to dramatise the audio clips. The reverb created subtle echo which was further emphasised by adding an echo which carried it out and made the short clips transition smoothly. This was done to fit the conventions of a documentary promo, it is common for this style of documentary to feature short segments of audio which create a poignant and impactful message. It is also a common convention for the audio to have dramatic value, this is why a echo was added with the intention the repetition of the impactful statements is better emphasised and struck into the viewers mind, making for a memorable promo.

The use of cutting and layering audio is also a key convention of the genre of promo. It is common for similar documentary promos to layer lots of different audio tracks to create a depth of audio and a complexity which makes for a professional sounding promo. In our promo the razor tool was used to edit the audio down, the ability to edit as part of a multitrack session with Premiere was also used. This allowed me to layer different elements including the background music on top of sound effects and narration in the form of parliamentary talks. 

To further conform to the conventions of a promo I used the razor tool to condense the audio and clip the segments down into shortened two to five second segments. This resulted in a shorter more fast paced promo with a shorter overall length which is key for the promo genre to keep the audience engaged and not fully give away the plot of the film. 

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LO4: Drafts

First draft This is the first draft which proved the concept well and needed little adjustments as it was noted the flow was nice and ...