Saturday 26 May 2018

LO4:Evidence of editing

Evidence of editing
//Frame Blocking Transition 
To transition between two clips I decided to use a frame blocking/ masking effect, the resulting effect was as the person walks by the frame it introduces the next clip. This involved masking frame by frame the area behind the subject till new frame is entirely revealed. Examples of the final effect and evidence of editing can be seen below...
Final clip...


//Timelapse segment 
For the establishing shot a time-lapse was used of the city centre, this was achieved by first increasing the speed of the four minute static shot of the city centre, reducing the clip length down to 6 seconds and giving the effect of a time lapse. To further enhance the effect and make it more aesthetically pleasing the time interpolation was set to 'Frame blending' which smoothed out the motion and gave a better looking video. In addition to this a slow zoom out was added to clip by adjusting the size and keyframes, the subtle zoom makes the product feel more professional and dynamic. 

//Editing silhouette sequence
In order to edit the interview segments first the colours were adjusted, the whites were increased whilst blacks decreased in order to create greater contrast between the subject and background. The majority of the area was then masked to remove the remaining background aside from the centre seam where the soft boxes met (this was later masked and removed when editing). 

Colour grading...
After colour grading and crop...
After masking away seam...

//Colour grading
To create a more professional looking video the colours were edited. Initially on all clips the 'Basic Corrections' were made, this involved changing things such as the exposure, highlights and shadows to correctly expose the video. From there the present LUT's were added, across the whole video only a limited number of luts were use to create a consistent and uniform look and theme, in the example below the lut 'SL GOLD HEAT' was used.

//Title Graphic V2(Improved)
Below is an example of a title graphic, this was used as part of the trailer to support the narration. The text was animated to be introduced in line with the audio, a grudge background and film overlay were also added to give the distressed look to fit with theme. Evidence of this can be seen below...

//Title Graphic - End credit
To round of the sequence a end card was created in Photoshop and Premiere which compiled several elements to create a dynamic and engaging title graphic. Both videos and images

Transitions were added between clips to create a smooth change between shots and add drama. A combination of cross fades and 'dip to black' was used.

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LO4: Drafts

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