Wednesday 25 October 2017

LO2: Initial ideas

For this unit I will be working with Charlotte Cass and Hannah Ibrahim

- Early ideas of how promo is going to be made and research already done.

itle graphics produced using a combination of Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects.
Flickering neon sign to represent the urban scene combined with kinetic typography.

Hyper lapse and time lapse
Archive footage
Archive articles and news debates
Research from charities and organisations - stories, accounts, info on company.

For this Unit 15 I am going to be working with Ollie Fletcher and Charlotte Cass.

Location for Interview/ Questions
The Moor
City Centre 
Train Station 
( Areas with many rough sleepers)
Homeless shelters

Ideas/ content feature

We have decided to include articles on the subject of homelessness in Sheffield.
Why it is a problem?
how this problem can be bettered?
What the future holds?


Homeless specialist 
Homeless people/ Rough Sleepers 
Local public on their thoughts
Ex Homeless people

TVNET DOCUMENTARY PROMO from Enes Şimşek on Vimeo.

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