Tuesday 27 June 2017

LO1: Starter

LO1: Starter
What is intertextuality?
Where texts are referred or referenced to within other texts.
Intertexualit is an aspect of postmodernism

Can you think of any examples you have seen?
One example of intertextuality would be in popular television shows such as Family Guy and Simpson's.
Why is intertextuality useful for audiences?
Provide comfortable reassurance and brings a sense of enjoyment and familiarity to the audience.


Andrew Goodwin (1992) - Dancing to distraction
Genre Characteristics
DJ Khaled - I'm the One ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper, Lil Wayne         
The video features women throughout and said models are also seen to be objectified which fits in line with Laura Mulveys theory of the male gaze.  

Relationship between music and the visuals
Foo Fighters - Run
The calm visuals at the start represent the slow introduction of the music. When the heavy chorus is introduced the visuals and cuts become more frequent and hectic which represents the genre of music.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals
Post Malone - Congratulations ft. Quavo  
The lyrics in the video make frequent use of the word "congratulations" this is then echoed throughout the video by the use of confetti, which is often synonymous with celebration and therefore congratulations. This idea is seen throughout the entirety of the video.

Voyeurism and notion of looking/ screens within screens
The over the shoulder shot combined with the glass and mirrors coveys a sense of voyeurism.

Star image and brand
Throughout the video the main artist is heavily featured and could be perceived to be overly sexualised to appeal to a large audience and conform to Laura Mulveys theory of the male gaze. The prominent featuring of the star image/ brand helps reinforce the ideas and popularity among audiences due to the star persona.

Intertextuality to films and other texts.
 This scene could be seen to be an intertextual referenceto to the film 'Fight Club' .

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