Friday 25 May 2018

LO3: Following codes and conventions

Following codes and Conventions

As we are creating a promo for a documentary based on homelessness in Sheffield     following the similar style of creation is important we have followed conventions of a documentary through;

 Title Graphics

We have followed conventions when it came to creating the tile graphics for 'A City Of Shelter' through looking at existing documentary title graphics, which follow the same/similar genre to our film.
Looking at the promo 'Gercek' it clearly presents how we have successful followed codes and conventions through creating a Title that fits our genre and documentary theme.
The dark background against the white font allows the audience to be presented with a sense of seriousness form the very beginning of the promo. 

Our promo also follows the way in which trailers use title graphics through out the trailer as it give the audience a more of an understanding. However, our promo could have used more title graphics as other promos used much more and more often.

For the opening of our promo we have featured title graphics presented in black and white and pier suited for my target audience. This is presented straight at the begging as planned in our story board. 

Straight after the opening title graphics it was then followed with a Hyperlapse of park hill flats.

Through looking at the film 'Shelter: A look at Manchester's homeless'. We have successfully followed conventions on what our theme is and how we have portrayed homelessness in a specific city. The film we watched allowed us to understand how a city should be captured when presenting homelessness. 

Here is an example of the representation of homelessness in Sheffield. We have featured homeless people while making it obvious It is based on the homelessness specifically on Sheffield.   

Also, 'A look at Manchester's homeless' presented the city and it features to ensure people are aware of the location and where the issue is. 

We have successfully achieved our portrayal of Sheffield and made our representation obvious to viewers where the issue is in terms of location. Making it easily recognisable to our target audience.


The representation of homeless people featured in the promo allowed our audience to understand what our documentary will be based on. Several different representation of the homeless were featured in our promo just show the audience just a glimpse of how bad the situation is and encourage people to watch the full documentary.Also, the

Overall, our promo has followed the correct codes and conventions through the way it has clearly and successfully presented what the documentary will be about without presenting too much to the audience. This was achieved by following the way real promo's are portrayed and how detail of the documentary was presented through making people want to watch the trailer.

The music used for this trailer was poiniont and enigmatic. This is because from LO1, this is a convention of documentary trailers. To add, it evokes emotion in the target audience. 
The editing technique that we use in this production, is the "cut to" and matches the beat of the music. This is enigmatic and gives the production a sombre  mood. Another editing technique that was used in our promo is transitions, this allowed each scene of the film to transition smoothly into the next and helped create a non linear theme of our film.

The dialogue that is used in this script uses languages such as "national disgrace and it is becoming worse" The use of this language connotes to the audience the severity of homelessness in Sheffield. "And in a country as decent and as well of as ours it is not inevitable" This plays into British patriotic ways and makes the target audience realise the power of this country. The use of this dialogue allows the audience to go through phases that make them understand the power of the country then questions why issues such as homelessness are so large in a country that is internationally successful. 

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