Friday 25 May 2018

LO2: Treatment

Homelessness in Sheffield

ü  The Film’s working title
ü  The film’s narrative/subject (if documentary)
ü  The Genre chosen to work in
ü  The characters/organisation/people
ü  A brief synopsis
ü  The required crew
ü  The required equipment
ü  A production schedule
ü  Suggested Locations

Sheffield City Of Shelter

We will be creating a 1-2 minute promo for our documentary  on the struggles homeless people face everyday and the cause of the growing issue in Sheffield. The'Sheffield City Of Shelter' promo will feature glimpses of real homeless people and real struggle. I intend for the documentary promo to give the audience a clear idea on what the documentary is really going to be about.

My overall aim/ purpose of this promo
 is to encourage people to want to watch the full documentary after what was portrayed in the promo for people to be aware and pay more attention on this issue. The people I would like to feature in this promo documentary are real life rough sleepers. Also,I would like to show that we are getting professional views through featuring people who work in shelters and specialise in helping the homeless. This will also show the audience what the documentary will be about and shape them an idea.

Potential Content 

Snippets Interviews with homeless people- This will be a presentation of their live such as how they got here and their story. This will feature to ensure our audience have an understanding on what is the lives of homeless people. Specifically for the promo we will include a short part of this.

Presentation of Sheffield. This is to set the location and to present where the documentary will be featured/ based on. Presentation on features such as the City Centre, Moor , Train Station etc. Areas which are clear that it is set/ based in Sheffield.

Portrayal of rough/homeless areas- This will allow our audience to experience the roughness and clear/ explicit lives homeless people live. This is best suited to our target audience as a real presentation of homelessness is not experienced or seen by our target audience.

Teacher to Pupil mode of address-  As our audience is part of the ABC1, the most suitable way to address this audience will be a much more formal way as this is how they are most likely to communicate like in their day to day lives. Also, the purpose of our promo is to inform and educate so a teacher to pupil mode of address is most suited for the promo/ documentary.

The promo will give the audience an understanding of what it is the documentary is about/based on and not what occurs in the documentary in order to not give too much away .
The organisation that will be helping us through or

We would like the Promo to be clear in the fact that it is Sheffield based, about the homeless issue and the causes/solutions of this growing dilemma. 

The intended location will be all over Sheffield due to the documentary being based on homelessness in Sheffield. The types of location will mostly be the centre of Sheffield such as Train station area, The Moor, etc. This is due to there being many homeless people around these areas.The areas will be public areas and will not need permission to film.The promo will make it clear that this is a Sheffield based documentary.

The required Crew 
Camera man 
Homelessness people 
Charity Workers

Video Camera
Change(for the homeless people to most like speak to you)
Video Editing Software

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