Monday 12 June 2017

LO1: Understand the purpose of audio visual promos

LO1: Understand the purpose of audio visual promos

- Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer #1 (2017)
Type of product: Film Trailer
Target Audience: A younger demographic with a mix of genders.
Where is it distributed?: Youtube and social medias
How visuals and audio are used to communicate the purpose: Uses action and special effects with effective use of digetic sound portray the film and story and directly appeal to the younger audience.
Length of the promo: 2.10 minutes


Elecricity 1989 - Public service information film
Type of product:  Public service information film
Target Audience: A younger audience with an intention to diswade them from undertaking the actions seen. Could also be target at an older demographic of 40-60 to appeal to the parental figures within the audience.
Where is it distributed?: Commercial television
How visuals and audio are used to communicate the purpose: Dramatic audio and visuals used to create a sense of shock and clearly portray the danger.
Length of the promo: 1.06 minutes

Learn Shapes Educational Video
Type of product:  Educational video
Target Audience: A younger demographic of likely toddlers or infants ranging from ages such as 2 - 6
Where is it distributed?: Youtube
How visuals and audio are used to communicate the purpose: Bold use of primary colours and simple animation allow for the information to be easily interpreted by the younger audience and it is stated that the episodes have "an educational core to them so that your kids can learn about things like shapes, numbers and colours." With a teaccher to pupil mode of address to further enforce this.
Length of the promo: 18.45 minutes

Promote/ advertise:
Katy Perry - Bon Appétit (Official) ft. Migos   
Type of product:  Promote/ advertise - Music Video
Target Audience: A slightly older demographic due to the content in the video therefore and age range of late teens onwards would be justified, such as 16+.
Where is it distributed?: Youtube, vevo, social medias (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
How visuals and audio are used to communicate the purpose: The visuals directly relate to the lyrics within the audio therefore reinforcing the ideas proposed in the song. The unique video also creates visual interest which would ultimately make the video more popular making it reach a wider audience and therefore promote the album/ artist more effectively.
Length of the promo: 4:18 minutes

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