Tuesday 30 May 2017

LO2: Legal



As I am creating a promo for a documentary, the Copyright act is important as it is a legal means of protecting work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive distribution and usage rights for the work.  This means whatever content the creator created cannot be used or distributed by anyone else without the consent of the creator. The length of copyright protection may vary from country to country, but it usually lasts for the life of the owner plus 50 to 100 years. This will ensure my promo is not copied, distributed or used without my permission.

It is illegal for anyone to publish the work of anyone and the result in breaking the copyright law will result in a fine put £50,000. 
I will need to gain permission from potential musicians and people who may feature on my promo. 


Data protection act will allow the data my production team holds to be safe and secure , while allowing our actors and production team to feel comfortable when giving us their personal details such as name, age, email, number etc. This will make sure the staff working on our product data is used lawfully and fairly. Everyone who hold data is responsible for following the rules of 'data protection'. 

e.g. The data of homeless people, researchers, homeless specialist etc, will be kept safe and not shared with anyone without their permission


Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.
Without protection of ideas and businesses individuals would not fully benefits from their inventions/ ideas. Copy right and trademarks fit into the intellectual property right. The intellectual property right act benefits my promo as it will be protected from anyone to use/ distribute without our permission.


PRS (Performing Right Society) will allow me to use music on our promo. PRS will allow me to use music in my promo without breaking the copy right acts.

The PRS website says 
'We pay royalties to our members when their work is performed, broadcast, streamed, downloaded, reproduced, played in public or used in film and TV.'

PRS will be useful to me as any potential music/ sound will be available to feature as part of my radio trail, while I am following the copy right act/ intellectual property right act.

It is illegal to use any music/sound that does not belong to you without any permission it will be brought down and you may be fined as well.


Our promo must ensure it doesn't feature any spoken statement which may harm someone's reputation. We must avoid slander in our promo as our features such as the homeless people featuring may potentially slander a person if this does occur we will be sure to remove this and not add it into our promo.
The consequences for slandering someone are results such as being fines, product being taken down, court etc.


Similar to Libel our documentary must ensure it doesn't feature any written statement which may harm someone's reputation.
We must avoid false written statement on someone in our promo as it features newspaper articles. To avoid this we should chose newspapers that do not harm anyone's reputation.

The consequences for being Libel towards someone are results such as being fines, product being taken down, court etc.


Making a documentary we will have to look out for negatively representing any homeless person in order to not offend or misrepresent. This will be achieved through not presenting them as not useless and potentially fit for work. This is also challenging stereotypes as they are mostly presented as uneducated and useless.

We would have to seek copyright permission for the use of music in our documentary. Any brands that will be featured as using their work/ name could break the intellectual property right act.

The artist/musicians music used in the documentary will be entitled to royalties due to our documentary featuring their music. Also, any brands appearing in the documentary will need for us to gain their permission to be featured in our film. 

The aim of this documentary is not just to make more people aware and educated on the issue but to also present ways people can help preventing the growing issue.
Using  real homeless people in our documentary will appeal to our audience. This is because most people have never had a conversation with an actual rough sleeper and heard their different stories .
In our documentary I will also present statistics and facts to inform and educate how important this subject is and why.
To also inform and educate we will be including professional advice from shelter/charity workers. This will give the audience a professional view on the issue. This will then achieve our purpose on informing and educating the audience as well as showing them a way they can participate through helping.

LO4: Drafts

First draft This is the first draft which proved the concept well and needed little adjustments as it was noted the flow was nice and ...